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Churches, Klagenfurt

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Klagenfurt Cathedral & Cathedral Square
Commissioned by the territorial estates as a Protestant church in 1578, it was designed by architect Christoph Windisch. Klagenfurt Cathedral is the oldest pilaster church in Austria. The 23 paintings on the walls and ceilings were painted over several times in the course of the years. The Catholic Reformation Commission closed the cathedral in the year 1600. Four years later it was handed over to the Jesuits who managed the Jesuit school next door until the order was closed in 1773. A fire destroyed major parts of the church in the year 1723. Reconstruction did not begin until 1725. The Carinthian Baroque painter Josef Ferdinand Fromiller created the John of Nepomuk apotheosis. The church was raised to Cathedral status in 1787. The Cathedral was renovated in the 1890s and shines today in the lustrous Baroque colourfulness of the 18th century.
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The Cathedral Graz
Royal-imperial church architecture is crowning the historic city centre. The cathedral is definitely not to be missed on any sightseeing trip round Graz. Don’t be fooled by the relatively restrained exterior. The "Gottesplagenbild", an inspiring relic of splendid Gothic fresco painting, is still in excellent condition today. Inside the cathedral, a multitude of ecclesiastical along with general historical treasures is waiting to be discovered. Today's cathedral reminds of the days when Graz was an imperial city. Emperor Frederick III erected the church together with his new residence in Graz. In the course of history, the cathedral saw many changes. Construction work of the court and parish church in late-Gothic style was started in 1438, as Jesuit church it was refurbished in Baroque style in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. Since 1786 it has been the cathedral, i.e. the bishop's and main church of the Catholics in Styria. The exterior of the cathedral looks very sober today. In the Gothic period, however, the façades were covered with paintings. One fresco has been preserved - the so-called Gottesplagenbild ("God's Plagues").
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Church of Our Lady of the Annunciation
This interesting neo-Romanesque building with three naves and a noticeable green dome dates from 1906. Its construction, to the designs of the architect Karl Seidl, was begun by the Austrians and continued by the Italians.
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Shrine of Our Lady of Trsat
The Shrine of Our Lady of Trsat is the largest pilgrimage centre of Western Croatia. Its foundation is reported to be, according to tradition, related to the miraculous transport of the Nazareth Barn, and its stay on Trsat (1291 – 1294). Shortly after the relocation of the Mother of God’s house to Loreto, Prince Nikola I of Krk built the first small church on the place where the barn stood on Trsat. Marija`s Trsat became a pilgrimage point of convergence, the reputation of which was strengthened by the astounding painting of the Lady of Trsat, which was a gift given to the inconsolable Croats in 1367 by Pope Urban V for the loss of the Holy Barn. In the XV century, the Sanctuary was taken over by Franciscans, who have remained its guardians to the present day. On 8 June 2003, Pope John Paul II attended a long pilgrimage procession.
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St. Vitus Cathedral
St. Vitus’ Cathedral is the only Baroque rotunda of monumental proportions built on Croatian soil. The construction of this church, designed by the Jesuit architect G. Briano, began in 1638. It was made on the model of the famous Venetian church of Santa Maria della Salute.
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Saint Mark's Church
Saint Mark’s Church is Zagreb’s iconic building due to its signature colourful tiled roof. It is one of the oldest buildings in Zagreb dating from the 13th century. You will notice the Southern portal. It is equally important as it is the richest looking gothic portal in Croatia. The portal consists of 15 sculptures (11 stone gothic sculptures and 4 wooden baroque sculptures) in 11 niches. Sculptures present Virgin Mary with the Child, Christ, St. Mark and the apostles. Saint Mark’s uniquely colourful tiled roof was constructed in 1880 by Friedrich Schmidt and Herman Bollé. On it, you will see the medieval coat of arms of Croatia, Dalmatia and Slavonia on the left side, and the emblem of Zagreb on the right. On the other hand, inside, you will see sculptures by Ivan Meštrović and art by Jozo Kljaković and Ljubo Babić. Eventually, the frescos were renovated, the ceiling was gilded with 22-carat gold leaflets and a new organ has been recently installed.
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Cathedral of Zagreb
Zagreb Cathedral was formerly known as St. Stephen’s Cathedral. Today, the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is dedicated to the Assumption of Mary and to kings Saint Stephen and Saint Ladislaus. Once you get to Kaptol Square you will see it is dominated by Zagreb cathedral which has been there since the 11th century. The Archbishop’s Palace encloses it from three sides, and because of its twin 108 meters (354 ft) high spires, it is the tallest building in Croatia. It literally soars over the city. The Zagreb Cathedral must be seen and its sacristy is of great architectural value. What you will see today does not represent the original construction. The first Cathedral was damaged during the Tartar attack and a great fire in the 13th century. Finally, it was severely damaged by the 1880 earthquake and was restored in the Neo-Gothic style by Hermann Bollé, the cathedral you see today.
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Church of St.Thomas Rovinj
St. Thomas church is situated 4 kilometres north of Rovinj, next to the old railway line that led from Rovinj to a small place Kanfanar. This edifice has a cross ground plan lately completed by a church tower placed on its north side. There is a six metres high apse, semicircular on the inside part and polygonal on the outside part. Lateral windows are enriched by semi-circular apses as well, although being constructed of smaller size. These apses are connected with the central nave by a high semi-circular passage. In the north part of the church, the original paving was discovered along with the preserved stand of shrine partition with several niches for pilasters. Above the central part, the remains of arches that upheld the retracted construction high above the roofing are still visible. A radical constructional intervention was undertaken on the church in the 16th century, changing completely its original form. Since the lateral arches were walled in the whole edifice got one nave. The west part of the edifice was significantly shortened and altered by a new forepart with two square windows.
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Franciscan Monastery Rovinj
Rovinj represented an exception among the cities on the west coast by the lack of a Franciscan monastery during the first period of the existence of the order. Only at the end of the fifteenth century, the Diocese of San Geronimo decided to build one on the island of St. Andrew (Red Island) near Rovinj, upon the site of the Benedictine hospice and the church from the sixth century. According to tradition, the monastery was founded by St. John of Capistrano, a famous missionary engaged in the fight against the Turks. His body is kept in the Franciscan monastery of Ilok, in eastern Croatia. In 1807, after nearly four centuries after its foundation, the monastery of Saint Andrew was closed by Napoleonic authorities. In the early eighteenth century, the St. Anthony's Franciscan reformers built a new monastery in the north, in the continental part of the city, which was not yet connected to the mainland. In 1696 the City Council invited the Franciscans to come to Rovinj to erect a new hospice. The approval of the Doge Alvise Mocenigo arrived in 1700 and two years later, in 1702 the construction of the church and hospice began. On that occasion, for the first time explosive was used in Rovinj to derive rock tanks for rainwater.
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Church of St. Euphemia
A small church of St. George used to be situated where the Church of St. Euphemia is located today. When St. Euphemia's sarcophagus was brought to Rovinj, the Church of St. George became too small for all the pilgrims. In the 10th century, the people of Rovinj started building a new, bigger church. It was a three-nave church with three projected apses and wooden statues of St. George and St. Euphemia. At the beginning of the 17th century, a new gold-plated stone statue was erected which until this day remains on the altar of the Saint. The church itself required with time more and more reparations, and the town population grew so that the people of Rovinj decided to build an even bigger church. The building process started in 1725 and lasted until 1736. Three main altars were built in 1741, and the organ was installed in 1754. The façade was designed and built in the second half of the 19th century. Many altars and paintings enrich and embellish the church from within.
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Mariendom (New Cathedral)
The largest church in Austria is situated in Linz – the New Cathedral (also called Mariendom or Maria-Empfängnis-Dom). Beautiful glass windows decorate the cathedral, which was finished in 1924 and can accommodate 20,000 people. The sacred space is also fascinating. Mariendom is a haven of peace and an architectural masterpiece. Enjoy the view over Linz from the spire. Or experience the captivating view of the church's interior at a height of 15 metres on a special tour of the church's accessible inner gallery. The tours are also well suited to children aged 5 and above and to families.
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Pilgrimage church on Poestlingberg
This pilgrimage church, dedicated to the Seven Sorrows of the Virgin Mary and perched high above the roofs of the city, is the landmark of the Upper Austrian capital Linz. Just a few minutes' walk from the Pöstlingbergbahn stop, if offers a breathtaking view of Linz. It was built in 1748 according to plans by Matthias Krinner. The church is popular for weddings because of the unique location.
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Chapel of St. Maria Formosa
It is one of the two chapels built in the 6th century as part of a large Benedictine abbey demolished in the 16th century. The floor and walls were decorated with mosaics, some of which are now in the Archaeological Museum of Istria. It was built in the style of Ravenna churches, the only difference being the use of stone instead of brick. Due to its dimensions, method of construction and good state of preservation, the Chapel represents an extraordinary architectural masterpiece of its time.
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St. Mark s Basilica
If you are in Venice you cannot miss the opportunity to visit St Mark’s Church, the famous San Marco Basilica. It is one of the most valuable treasures of history, art and faith in the world, located in St Mark's Square, the so-called ‘drawing room of Europe’. When you visit St Mark’s Cathedral you cannot avoid gazing at the vast amount of decorations, mosaics, architectonic structures, precious objects and sacred and allegorical images that adorn the church inside and outside. To face all this in the best way before delving into the details, it is important to let oneself be swept away by this abundance, which changes time after time depending on the lighting, one’s stance and many other details that all together turn San Marco Basilica into a constantly new and deep experience to live in Italy. A visit of St Mark’s Basilica means entering into an intricate world imbued with religion, art and sacred images that narrate in detail the history of Venice: the beauty of this place is nonetheless blindingly evident and one does not need to decipher it in order to appreciate it.
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Saint Mark's Square
Saint Mark’s Square is surely a place that can’t be missed, an exhibition of rare and unique beauty appear on a 360° view in front of the visitors, the Saint Mark’s Church, the bell tower, the “procuratie” and the Napoleonic wing, the clock tower and the two blacks. The Church, a Romanic Byzantine style was born initially as a mausoleum of the Patron Saint, it has 5 domes, marbles and mosaics to embellish the façade, inside, decorations and wall of golden leaf mosaics represents tales of the Patron Saint. The bell tower is the highest point of the city, 98.6 meters tall, from the top there is a unique and breathtaking view of the isle, it was originally built as a watchtower and a lighthouse in the IX century. Finally the clock tower, also a renaissance style palace, its arcade allow to enter into the square from the “Mercerie” so called because during the Republic there where many shops selling precious merchandise coming from distant ports. Today the Mercerie are site for various commercial activities, mostly murano glass shops and most modern cloth and gift shops.
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St.Polten Former Synagogue
The only Art Nouveau synagogue in Lower Austria. Rich painting in ornamental forms of the Wiener Werkstätte. Built in 1913 according to the plans of the architects Theodor Schreier and Viktor Postelberg, the synagogue was badly damaged in the Kristallnacht (9th / 9th November 1938). After 1945, the building was returned to the IKG Vienna - an IKG St. Pölten no longer existed. The once thriving Jewish community life in St. Pölten was completely destroyed, only a few survivors returned to St. Pölten. Since 1988, the Kantorhaus houses the Institute for Jewish History in Austria, which uses the synagogue room for events.Today, the former synagogue is a memorial site that commemorates a living Jewish community before 1938 and its destruction by the Nazis.
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Haydn Church
The pilgrim church "Visitation" was built between 1715 and 1803 according to plans drawn up by Prince Paul I. Esterházy. Unfortunately, the prince did not live to see the groundbreaking ceremony as he died from the plague in 1713. The portion of the church that can be visited today represents merely the presbytery of the church originally planned. It was to be a place of worship of enormous proportions. The high altar picture "The Visitation" is a copy of a painting by Dorffmeister and dates back to 1797.
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The Calvary
The famous Calvary at the Haydn church was built by the Franciscan lay brother Felix Niering in the years from 1701 – 1707. The Calvary in Eisenstadt follows the pattern of the Calvary in Maria Lanzendorf in Lower Austria. Steps and dark hallways lead through an artificial mountain made of rocks and pass by small niches, grottos and tiny chapels portraying scenes of the Passion of Christ. At the east side of the Calvary, there is the Chapel of Mercy. It contains a miraculous image that is visited by many pilgrims every year. The Chapel of Mercy already forms part of the Calvary. Originally it had been built as Mount of Olives Chapel. After the Statue of Mercy had been transferred from the church in Grosshöflein the chapel was re-consecrated as Chapel of Mercy.
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Piarist Church Krems
This Roman Catholic church is the oldest in Krems and was constructed around 1284. The late-Gothic hall church is stylistically related to the Vienna Dombauhütte and is therefore also referred to as the "little sister" of St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna. Inside, the steep Gothic church with its profiled pillars, services, capitals and many other craftsmanship highlights of Gothic architecture impresses. The baroque high altar was built according to plans by Joseph Maria Götz . The altarpiece is by Martin Johann Schmidt , it is called 1756 and shows the Assumption of Mary. The watchtower, which was built in the east, has been owned by the city since 1616. It was the seat of the city turret and was inhabited until a few decades ago. Opposite the church portal leads the 2004 completely renovated covered Piaristenstiege to Pfarrplatz.
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Dominican Church and Monastery
1236 received the Dominicans of Duke Leopold VI. the order to set up a branch in Krems an der Donau. At about the same time, the Minorites were called to Stein. As early as 1240, the construction of a church was begun , which was vaulted around 1265. It was then built outside the city walls, the so-called Predigertor led through the city wall to Passauerhof with the Ursula chapel. The chancel of the church dates back to 1330. The impressive sacred space was initially painted colorful, well-preserved remains of which can still be seen today. The monastery and the church were one of the largest and most representative meeting rooms in the country at the time of construction , serving as a meeting place for the regional parliaments and for meetings of the handicraft mints of the region. The monastery itself was built in the Baroque style and the Gothic cloister was overgrown. A partial reconstruction in the eastern area of ​​the courtyard refers to the disappearance of the gothic colonnade of the complex.
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St Stephan
The Tulln parish church is around 1,000 years old and was among the early parish churches to be established by the Babenbergs. The charter from Emperor Heinrich II dates back to 1014. The church combines multiple architectural styles. An Ottonian Romanesque core is juxtaposed with a Gothic chancel and Baroque towers and a Baroque interior. Of particular historical note is the Romanesque west portal, known as the Apostles’ Gate. The marble altar and the magnificent choir stalls are also features of the church that visitors will not want to miss. The two towers are signs of the church visible from far and wide. They have an interesting story. The south tower belongs to the parish whereas the north one is owned by the city of Tulln. In earlier times, the tower watchman had his lookout and abode in the city tower. His job was to ring the bells to warn citizens if a fire broke out within city limits.
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Court Church
The Court Church is also known by locals as “Schwarzmander Church” thanks to the 28 life-size bronze figures that stand guard, watching over the tomb of Emperor Maximilian I. Strange but true: eight of the “Black Men” (Schwarzmander) are actually women and the Emperor’s tomb is empty. But this beautifully crafted masterpiece is still a work of art and wonderful to behold. The Emperor’s tomb takes pride of place in the church. However, the building is also home to legendary local heroes, such as freedom fighter Andreas Hofer. In 1809, Andreas Hofer led thousands of brave Tyroleans against the superior force of Napoleonic troops on Bergisel. He was executed for this in Mantua but is still revered as a hero in Innsbruck. The Court Church is also the final resting place of his fellow soldiers Josef Speckbacher, Joachim Haspinger and Kajetan Sweth. The Silver Chapel is a highlight that shouldn’t be missed on a visit to the Court Church. Two additional famous people from Innsbruck are buried here: Archduke Ferdinand II and his wife Philippine Welser. She was a local superstar during her lifetime: the “Queen of Hearts”, a herbal expert and a bathing beauty who was even accused of witchcraft by malicious tongues. A magnificent silver alter and Madonna by imperial architect Giovanni Lucchese is the main feature of the room alongside another special piece: an organ with pipes made exclusively of wood.
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St. Stephen Cathedral
St. Stephen's Cathedral is the symbol of Vienna. Construction commenced in the 12th century. Today, it is one of the most important Gothic structures in Austria. St. Stephen's Cathedral is 107.2 meters long and 34.2 meters wide. It has four towers. The tallest of these is the south tower at 136.44 meters. The tower room, from which there is a gigantic view across Vienna, is reached via 343 steps. A total of 13 bells hang here. However, the best-known bell of St. Stephen's Cathedral, the Pummerin, is located in the 68.3 meter-tall north tower. It is the second-biggest free-swinging chimed church bell in Europe. On the roof of St. Stephen's Cathedral, colorful roof tiles were laid to create the Royal and Imperial double-headed eagle and the coat of arms of the city of Vienna. The interior of St. Stephen's Cathedral was changed again and again over the centuries, right through to the Baroque period.
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Allsaints Parish Church
It is presumed that a small chapel existed here as early as in the year 800. The All Saints church was first mentioned in historical documents in 1375.
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St. Vitus Church
Kostel sv. Víta je gotická trojlodní stavba pocházející z období 1407 - 1439. Byl ovšem vystavěn na základech starší stavby z roku 1309. V 17. a 18. století byl kostel rozšiřován a upravován. Gotický vstupní portál pochází z roku 1410.
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The Praglia Abbey
As the abbey of Santa Giustina, to which was added in the fifteenth century, the Praglia Abbey has enjoyed various events. Founded in the eleventh century, it was built in fief by Emperor Frederick II in the thirteenth century. Subsequently independent, then in, and finally added to Santa Giustina until 1810 when Napoleon suppressed.
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The Cathedral of Vicenza
The construction of the apse in the Cathedral of Vicenza had begun in 1482 to the design of Lorenzo da Bologna, but in 1531 it was still unfinished. Early, temporary, roofing was erected in 1540, as a result of the possibility that Vicenza might host the Church Council which in the end was held at Trent.
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The Church of St. Nicholas
The Church of St. Nicholas stands at the place where a late 13th century Gothic temple once stood, which was reconstructed in the 16th century, but destroyed by the great fire of 1641.
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"The Kirche St. Peter (“Church of St. Peter”) is one of Munich’s landmarks, the oldest parish church in the city, and is known affectionately by the locals as Alter Peter (“Old Peter”). The church stands on a hill called Petersbergl, which is the only noteworthy elevation within the Munich’s historic Old Town.
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Asam Church
The late Baroque Asam Church is located on Sendlingerstraße just a few minutes’ walk away from the Sendlinger Tor (Sendling Gate). It was erected between 1733 and 1746 by the Asam brothers and bears the official name of St. Johann Nepomuk. Originally planned as a private church for the builder, its Baroque facade is integrated into the row of houses on Sendlingerstraße. Two massive rocks arise from the base of the columns at the entrance. The luxuriously furnished interior breaks from Baroque convention with its proportional distribution.
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St. Martin's Cathedral
A three-nave Gothic church from the 15th century and the former coronation church. A gilded replica of the coronation crown fixed on the top of the cathedral tower at a height of 85 metres and weighing 150 kg reminds of this glorious age.
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The Blue Church
Officially known as the Church of St Elizabeth of Hungary, but commonly referred to simply as ‘the Blue Church’ for obvious reasons, this is Bratislava’s most appealing art nouveau building. Its style, sometimes known as Hungarian Secession, is repeated in the nearby grammar school on Grösslingová Street. Both were designed by Budapest architect Edmund Lechner and built in the early twentieth century (the church was consecrated on 11 October, 1913). Both the interior and exterior of the church are painted in shades of pale blue and decorated with blue majolica; even the roof is tiled with blue-glazed ceramics. The structure incorporates a 36.8-metre round tower.
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Church of St.Donat
Church of St.Donat is round pre-Romanesque church which was called the Church of the Holy Trinity until the 15th c., and from that time on carries the name of Saint Donat, by the bishop who had it built.
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Basilica of San Zeno
A Romanesque basilica rebuilt after the earthquake in 1117 round a nucleus dating from the 4th or 5th century.Note on the outside the façade with the large rose window called the “Wheel of Fortune”, the marble bas-reliefs on either side of the porch, the famous bronze doors, the bell-tower and the Abbey Tower